Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dumpster Diving

This whole trip God has shown up in amazing ways! First of all, I had no idea I would have the opportunity to volunteer at the Escuela Especial. Second, Corinne has found her niche teaching English in our neighborhood school. And third, we have clicked with the kids at the feeding center so well! It's been awesome! Thank you so much for all your prayers. Please continue to pray because God is blessing this trip in abundance!

Today I put on my scrubs and rain boots, got out my gloves, and mustered up the courage to dumpster dive at the Rivas City Dump. And wow, did God provide! The aim of dumpster diving is to find some material that can be sterilized to make a craft like a headband or bracelet and sold back in the states. All I can say is I hit the jackpot.

What I have in my hands is clothe! All over there is shredded t-shirts! Perfect for braiding into headbands or weaving into a bracelet! We gathered two bagfuls to see what we can make of it. I can't wait to see what God has in store! Beyond excited!

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