Friday, June 28, 2013

God is in Control

If there is one thing that God has been teaching me through this trip, it's been that He is in control. Yesterday I thought that I would have 3 more weeks in Nicaragua. Three more weeks at the special school, three more weeks to teach bible studies to the kids at Bethel, three more weeks to help the women participating in Another Chica's Treasure, three more weeks to build relationships with people. But my time here has been cut short. My grandmother passed away yesterday so I changed my flight to come home on Sunday to be with my family for her funeral. I love my family and can't wait to see them, but the circumstances are not ideal. I'm not ready to leave Nicaragua. I have started so much here and I will depend on God to finish it. He is in control and I trust Him with Another Chica's Treasure, with the feeding, with the spiritual growth of the ninos, and with the kids of the special school. Though I am sad to leave, I am excited for how God will get all the glory in the end. I appreciate the month that I have spent here and I'm looking forward to sharing stories with you all at home.

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