Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day from Ometepe Island

Happy Father's Day, Dad, from Ometepe Island! 

Yesterday we took a ferry to Ometepe Island. Ometepe Island is home of two breathtaking, absolutely stunning volcanoes. We stayed at a quaint little hotel near the shore of Lake Nicaragua called Chico Largo and relaxed for the night. I had a very American meal; fried chicken tenders and french fries served with a Chic-fil-A like sauce. It was muy rico (very delicious)!

We woke up early this morning to discover the Island. Anita took us to one of her favorite beaches, Santa Domingo where we played in Lake Nicaragua. Then we went to a fresh water spring called Ojo del Agua (The Eye of the Water). Apparently, this natural pool makes you feel 20 years younger! It is definitely one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to.

All in all it was a great weekend!

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