Monday, June 24, 2013

Medical Missions in Matagalpa

This weekend we traveled 4 hours by bus to the mountains of Matagalpa to help with a medical mission team from Houston. Matagalpa was beautiful and so cool! Staying there for a few nights was refreshing! Corinne and I worked as Pharmacists, filling prescriptions for about 250 people. We had doctors, nurses, dentists, and pharmacists all coming together to fill a big need in this community. The team had prepared about six months in advance to bring numerous medications, toys, and evangelistic materials for the people. They set up the clinics in three different schools around this village in the mountains. Each day about 250 people were seen. It was great to be able to help and serve a different population, but its good to be back in Rivas to feed the ninos of Las Piedras!

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