Thursday, June 13, 2013


So last night I was just chillin in the hammock on the porch and up the driveway comes Rosita (that's what Ana named her car). And then I thought I was hallucinating. The next thing I knew, I was hugging the neck of the best boyfriend of the whole entire world! I'm so excited to have Travis here for the next 5 days.

Also, my OT class sent a suitcase full of supplies to help the kids at the Escuela Especial. Thank you so so much to my classmates and their enthusiasm to help me on this Independent Study! I can't wait to start using the supplies with the kids and see how they improve in the month I have left here! 

Time flies when you're having fun. I absolutely love it here and this week is going to be so great to have Travis experience this with me. 

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