Thursday, June 20, 2013

Gringa Probs

Corinne and I have coined the term "Gringa Probs" for all the funny problems we've come across here. For example, the bugs here either really hates us or are infatuated with us. Either way, we are being attacked by Nica flea-like creatures and mosquitoes. The "gringa prob" is that the bug spray is started to smell like perfume to me. Gross, right?! But it's almost as important as our salvation here! Thanks to a medical team from Houston for supplying more bug spray! 

Other "gringa probs" revolve around our poor Spanish speaking abilities. In one of our first English lessons I called cheeks, "machetes" instead of "cachetes." Haha! The kids still haven't let that one down. Corinne thanked our taxi driver for "cooking us" rather than driving us haha! And in another English lesson I said "Tengo hombre" (I have man) instead of "Tengo hambre" (I am hungry). Our gringa problems keep things interesting and comical for sure. 

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